Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 12 Reading Diary:Drona: Valiant Archer, Supreme Teacher.”

My reading diary this week is about Drona. The comic book I read is called "Drona: Valiant Archer, Supreme Teacher.” I chose to do my reading over this comic book because I am doing my story book project over Drona. He is one of my main characters. To begin this diary, I was surprised that Drona meant pot. I don’t know if I would add it to my story but it was very interesting. This story also gives Drona more of a protagonist character. In this story he actually has a problem with another character named Drupada because he does not help him after he had promised. Drona actually gains support for his revenge from the Pandavas. Especially from Arjuna. I actually didn’t like a specific scene in this story. Drona actually refuses to teach a student named Ekalavya because he feels like he could be better than Arjuna, his favorite student. So he asks the student to cut his thumb in order for him to accept him. By doing this The student can no longer exceed Arjuna in archery. In this story the Pandavas and the Kaurava’s actually work together for a split second. The Kaurava’s lead the battle against Drupada. At the end of the battle Drupada surrenders in shares his power 50/50 with Drona but dislikes it greatly. Drona then splits from the Pandavas when they batlle once again with Drupada. Drona is actually killed by the opposing group by omitting certain information to trick him into grief. They lie that his son has died but the pandavas named an elephant the same as Drona’s son. Technically they didn’t lie because Aswatthaman actually died (the elephant).
Cover of comic book:Blogspot

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