Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Storytelling for week 6: Part Two of Family Dispute

Host: This is part two of our show. Last week we shut it down early because of the fight between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. They began a dispute on live TV and we did not want to let our viewers see such a thing! We have now taken extra precautions to make sure the same incident does not occur once again. So let’s begin with you Bhima we left off where you were expressing your anger and hatred towards Duryodhana and how he tricked you and your brothers in the dice game.

Bhima: Well you said it he tricked us and the bet was my wife Draupadi and my house.

Host: You say YOUR wife did she not tell you?

Bhima: Tell me what?
Host: She has actually dated all your brothers!

Bhima: NO SHE DIDN’T!!!!!!

COMMERCIAL BREAK (Brothers began to verbally argue)

Host: Now how do you feel about this news?

Bhima: I still love her and my brothers and I have agreed not to insult or judge her.

Duryodhana: HAHAHAH

Host: Lets welcome Draupadi. (She enters crying)

Draupadi: I have lost it all because you guys refuse to stop gambling! I once had a big bed, hot showers, prepared meals, everything is gone!

(Brothers begin to apologize)

Host: Lets enter another new guest Arjuna! (He enters greating all the Pandavas)

Arjuna: Man it was great to see you guys again after so long! I just want to let ya know and everyone in here I will always have ya’s back! I’m determined to help ya defeat these losers! Especially you Karna

Karna: Ha right. Just because your dad took away my armor and gear don’t think I don’t have a surprise for ya!

Host: Calm down guys let’s not start another fight. Draupadi have you told Bhima and his brothers about the other night?

Draupadi: No I haven’t. I will tell them now. The other night a man tried to harass me and I knew it was one of Duryodhana’s guys but then he heard you Bhima, coming around the corner and he took off!

Bhima: Why didn’t you tell me?

Draupadi: Because I didn’t want to start anymore fights. I took Krishna’s advice and tried to keep the peace but clearly ya didn’t care much about what he said.

Host: If I state correctly there was a man named Bhishma that advised you Duryodhana to avoid a fight and return the house to the Pandavas

Duryodhana: This is true but I didn’t, because they don’t deserve to have more than I do!

Host: Duryodhana there is one other thing he told you but you refuse to say right?

Duryodhana: (worried) No he didn’t.

Host: Before he past away he received us and he told us what he had told you, Karna is the brother of Arjuna!

(crowd is surprised)

Karna: I don’t really care! I have no love for him!

Host: Well that’s one way to show love. Let’s move on to you Drona. Why have you suddenly taken sides with the Kauravas?

Drona: I had asked them last week to help me defeat a female deity but Bhima ended up loving her!

Bhima: Im tired of all your insults. (fight begin. Show goes of air)


Host: Welcome back to our show! Todays show will be about the dispute between the Pandavas and Kauravas and how their lives are now. Bhīma what can you tell us?

Bhima: Well we managed to regain our house. We also got a restraining order against Duryodhana and we haven’t seen him ever since.

Host: How about you Arjuna?

Arjuna: Well unfortunately fights broke out to get to this point. My son was a victim in our battles. He was killed about a year ago. Also Karna and ! had a dispute and I left him incapacitated which I did not want it to get that far.

Host: Sorry to hear that. I also heard the Pandavas were attacked one day in their house while they slept and they murdered this individual in self defense.

Bhima: This is true. Drona’s son, Ashwatthaman, tried to get revenge because he thought we killed his father. He did not think we would be able to defeat him.  

Host: I m sorry it had to go that way but I’m glad you guys are all back together and the fights are over. What now?

Bhima: We want to thank Arjuna for his support. We know his son is dead because our battles but we will be giving his grandson, Parikshit, all our wealth and our palace. We will be returning back to our home state to start all over.

(Arjuna in tears gets up and hugs the Pandavas)

Yudhisthira is received down below before going to  the sky: Blogspot

Host: Well thank you guys for being part of this show and thank you for sharing the many obstacles you guys had to endure.

Author’s note: My story starts of with Part C of the Public Domain Edition of the Mahabharata. This section begins with the Pandava brothers in the forest after one of the brothers, Yudhishthira, lost the dice game (Not Bhima like in my story). Draupadi is angered and saddened because she has lost all her luxuries and expresses it again to Yudhishthira (Not Bhima). I chose Bhima to represent her main lover in my story because he was the only one that would actually stand up for her which she was the wife of all brothers. Arjuna joins them in battle and his father Indra takes away Karnas armor in order to protect his son but he did not take away his secret arrow which really is not represented in my story because Karna is still defeated by Arjuna. Bhishima tells Karna the truth about Arjuna but does not care that they are brothers. Draupadi is attacked but Bhima defends her.  In the last part of the story you have the death of Drona, his son Ashwatthaman, Karna, Bhishima  Krishna, and Arjuna’s son. Duryodhana notices his defeat and takes shelter under a lake never to come out again. After the battle Yudhisthira becomes king again but after time him and his brother decide to leave earth and give away their kingdom to Arjuna’s grandson, Parikshit.

Bibliography: Part C and D of Public Domain Edition of the Mahabharata.

Week 6 Reading Diary Continued: Part D of Public Domain Edition of Mahabharata

            Part D of the Public Domain Edition of the Mahabharata starts off with the death of Bhishma and as he was dying he told Duryodhana to return the Pandavas home and to make peace but that infuriated him more. In his dying moments he also told Karna the truth about Arjuna being his brother but it didn’t matter much because Karna hated his brother. The teacher that had taught the two set of brothers how to fight comes back only to join the side of Duryodhana. My retelling of the story will include these scenes, to add to the family dispute on live TV. I want to incorporate the death of Arjunas son but I’m debating ideas. The Pandavas are also able to kill Drona and Karna is killed by Arjuna which will be a plot twist in my story. As Duryodhana sees his defeat coming closer he takes shelter in the bottom of a lake. I will convert the take back of the palace of the Pandavas and the leave of Duryodhana as a way to portray a restriction order in my actual story. After Dronas death, his son Ashwatthaman, will return to avenge him by attacking the Pandavas while they sleep. The father of the Kauravas comes back and is saddened by the defeat of all his children and people. Another scene that I do not how to incorporate is how to include Bhishma and his ability to choose when to die. After battle Yudhishthira reclaims the throne. Time passes by and the Pandavas leave earth and Arjunas grandson, Parikshit, takes over.
Parikshit (baby) and his family. BlogSpot

Week 6 Reading Diary: Part C Public Domain Edition of Mahabharata

This section of the Public DomainEdition of the Mahabharata starts off with scenes of the Pandavas walking around in the forest after Yudhishthira lost the dice game. I will start of my actual retelling of the story with his brothers blaming his dice game “addiction” for their misfortune. Draupadi is still lamenting what has happened to her and where she has ended up. In my story I can actually have her expressing her anger with her husband Yudhishthira. I plan on incorporating Arjuna in this weeks retelling of the story. He was exiled because he interrupted Draupadi’s private time with Yudhisthira but he will come back again to help the brothers defeat Duryodhana. I want to incorporate their reencounter with Arjuna and their journey to the Himalayas but I’m not entirely sure how that would fit my story. One of the characters I’m using for my story book is Hanuman and he turns out to be a brother of Arjuna. Karna comes back to the story by battling Arjuna in support of Duryodhana. Arjuna’s dad takes away Karnas armor in order to protect his son but he still carries with him a deadly arrow. Another scene I want to use in my story is where Draupadi is almost raped and Bhima defends her. Duryodhana wants to try and punish King Virata for giving the Pandavas aid by stealing his cattle but the Pandava brother are there to protect him. I don’t know how I may incorporate this but I may add Krishna to my story simply to acknowledge his idea of bringing peace between the families. I had completely forgotten that Karna was a bother to the Pandavas! I will definitely use this in my story. A battle finally awaits.
Karna and Indra: BlogSpot

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thoughts about comments

         When reading the comments left in my introduction I was pleased to hear all the good things people said about me. If you ever have a bad day its actually really good to read the nice things people have to say about you. I like how every one who commented pointed out about my pigeon hobby. Animals are one of my favorite things in the world and I love how people were able to notice. I feel like when I comment on other people’s page I have to really focus on things they speak passionately about. It really shows that you care about what they said about themselves. I also like how people asked questions it shows interest! I actually haven’t asked questions on people’s blog but I want to start to actually be more engaged. The format of the comments also need to grab a person’s attention. For example, when there is paragraphs and indentations it makes me feel like they actually left a sincere comment if they took the time to format it correctly.
           In the storytelling comments I received very good feedback. For example, I was told I should space out my stories rather than having one HUGE paragraph. Which honestly I am also discouraged when I have to read one large bulky story. I am actually separating my stories and making them more engaging. I also need to work on my images. I should add more image comments and my own comments should focus on the images. Which I rarely comment on. Overall, I have had extremely great advice and I will make improvements to my own comments

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Storytelling Week 5: Family Dispute on Live TV!

The story will take place in a talk show where families discuss their issues on live TV. The families in todays show will be the Panduvas and the Kauravas. They have been having many disputes especially with their cousin Duryodhana. The show goes on air in 1,2,3. LIVE!

Host: Okay let’s welcome these two families!

Audience: (Audience begins to clap and yell)

Host: Okay so let’s begin with you Pandu (Panduva’s dad). What can you start of with?

Pandu: Well let me just say that this family is full of hatred towards us because they hate that we are kinder and more successful people. They cannot stand it and decide to take it out on my wife, children, and my daughter in law. I am currently cursed for killing a sage. I’m worried that this is why my children have problems with these people.

Host: What do you have to say Dhritarashtra (Kauravas’ dad)?

Dhritarashtra: Well I’m not sure but these kids have to have done something to my poor child Duryohana. All I hear him say is how much those Panduva kids get on his last nerve.

Host: So let me introduce a new member to the stage. Drona will you please come in. So Drona, I have heard that you are the teacher who has taught both group of boys how to fight and live in the hard wilderness. Is this true? (Drona enters. Crowd cheers.)

Drona: Yes, it is true.

Host: I also heard it is because of you that Bhima meet Draupadi.

Drona: Yes, this is also true. Instead of paying me with money for training the Panduvas I asked them to help me take her out but as you can see that back fired. At the time of battle Bhima feel in love and decided to marry this woman. I can’t say that I agree but what can I say?

Host: Bhima (one of the Panduva brothers) how do you come into this conflict?

Bhima: Well let me just start of by saying how much I hate the Kaurava’s especially Duryodhana. Those good for nothing people tried to kill my brothers,mother, and me. They set fire to our house!

Duryodhana: You deserved it!

Bhima: Shut up! You better hope I find Draupadi!

Host: Woah! Calm down!

Bhima: Any way me and my brothers had to live in the woods for awhile and one day Duryodhana decided to approach us and challenge us to a game of dice. I am a man of luck so I decided why not! He wanted me to place my wife for the bet and so I decided I would but what I did not know was that he had the game rigged!


Bhima: (Jumps over to Duryodhana and they begin to battle on stage!)

Host: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhima: So I lost my wife and as a man of my word I had to give her up. I wanted to grab her but I would be cursed by the gods if I did not keep my word. As he was taking my wife away he was taunting me because he saw me cry of anger and sadness. He said to me “Speak and say, thou who dost ever speak truly, hast thou lost thy kingdom and thy brethren and thine own self?”

Duryodhana: Well shut up now let me speak. I decided to challenge them to another game and they lost again so they had to leave once again the kingdom they had rebuilt. He is a man of bad luck if you ask me!

(The Panduvas stand up and initiate a brawl with the Kauravas)

Host: We will continue our show next week people! Please exit the building immediately!
First Gambling Match: BlogSpot

Author’s note: My story is based on the Public Domain Edition of Mahabharata specifically part A & B. The story speaks of many characters but I decided to mainly focus on the hatred between the Panduvas and Kauravas because I feel like lots of the action was portrayed into their scenes. I begin by introducing the father of both set of brothers because I feel like that’s where the conflict begins. There is one specific character in the Kauravas who has it against the Panduvas and that’s Duryodhana. He is jealous because of their success. He first burns the palace where the Panduva’s and their mother live. Drona did teach them to fight and live in the wilderness so their mother and the boys lived in the woods for a while. Drona did ask the brothers to help him defeat a female deity that Bhima did love for while. Draupadi was actually the wife of a different Panduva brother but Bhima loved her as well and was the only one willing to fight for her. The other brother, Yudhisthira, was actually the one who lost her in the dice game and it was his lose also that caused them to get exiled from the new kingdom the Panduvas had built. The quote in my story was actually said to Yudhisthira because he wasn’t doing a thing while Duryodhana made her his slave.