Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Ramayana

     I plan on staying on the topic of nature and animals. The specific description of Ayodhya, with “towering like mountains” and “grand and noble palaces” are an important landscape I plan on keeping. I also want to set my setting with the description of the gardens and the animals around.  The Ramayana also talks about the sacrifice of a horse. As mentioned in my previous blogs I had an idea of using a horse as a main character in my project. I would like to add a twist to the Ramayan by not necessarily killing the horse as a sacrifice. I want to add some what of a horse that takes Dasharatha personally to speak to the Gods to give him the gift of having children. When Vishvamitra came for two of Dasharatha’s sons I plan on adding a horse for each son with different characteristics. Making their way to the jungle they would encounter beast which would be fought away with the help of their horses. I would add a horse race when it comes to the episode where there is a game for the hand of Sita. Instead of Rama winning  I may actually add a battle to this because Rama did not win the race but he cannot see Sita with someone else.  When Rama marries Sita it would be cool to add a revenge scene where the actual winner from the race comes back to retaliate. When Dasharatha has to choose one son to take his thrown, his children will begin to fight among each other. Instead of agreeing with his dad Rama causes some form of chaos for his fathers decision to exile him. While dying Dasharatha will have a vision where he sees his mistake for sending  his son Rama away which the rest of the family will know as their home begins to come down.
Rama and Sita: Wikipedia

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