Sunday, January 24, 2016

Time:Learning Challenge

       I have never seen the video of the jellybeans! This video is very eye opening! I honestly never took into consideration the idea of time because of the fact that I start to panic when I notice all the time I spend doing things that do not necessarily represent happiness to me. I definitely have to work on the time aspect of H.E.A.R.T. I am a BIG procrastinator. I always wait till the last minute to get things done. I also want to focus on the health/happiness aspect. I am not the healthiest eater out there. I need to work on making more visits to the gym and eating healthier. I have many friends that offer to be my gym buddies but I tend to avoid the conversation out of laziness. I also have friends who manage their time well. I will ask for advice and tips in order to get rid of my bad habits.
Time Allocation: Wikipedia


  1. Alexis,
    I think it is really important for us to use our time wisely because we don’t know how much of it remains. I really think it is also important to use our time in what makes us happy. Staying healthy is one of the key to happiness. It is really important to stay fit. I wish you all the best for your plans. Good luck!

  2. Alexis,

    I completely agree. That video of the jellybeans really puts things into perspective. We have so much time but so little at the same time. What do we do with it? Are we doing useful, worthwhile things. Being a procrastinator is a big problem for me too. Time management is something we have to keep improving as we finish college and head out into the real world!
