Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reading Diary Week 11:Kubera: The Lord of Wealth.

My reading for this week is over the comic book, Kubera: The Lord of Wealth. I wanted to read something completely different from this week. I have been focusing a lot of my readings on stories about the Pandavas. The main charcter in this story is Kubera. He is son of Vishrava and Bharadwaja’s daughter. His grandfather is Brahma who is a major god in this story. He is given the duty of guarding wealth in the world. Kubera becomes kings of Lanka after Vishnu ran away from Lanka. I want to maybe create a story where these two characters hate each other. There is also a scene where Kaikesi ask Dashagriva to make himself better than Kubera and decides to cuts all of heads off. He makes this offering to Brahma in order for Brahma to give him the power of immortality but is denied. HE then ask to be invincible from other powerful beings but forgets to add humans. I have also wondered if I should make this story or Vishnu and Kubera be partners instead of enemies to help defeat Dashagriva. Kubera gives up the city without a fight and then moves to the mountains to build the city of Alakapuri. Dashagriva is up for a fight and tried to attack Kubera and his city. I am also interested in including their weapons when they battle against each other. Kubera uses a weapon of fire while Dashagriva uses water. Kubera loses but cannot be killed and Dashagriva takes possession of his land. One of my favorite parts is the end where years past by and Dashagriva changes his name to Ravana. Rama then comes along and builds a bridge to Lanka and kills Dashagriva. Also throughout the stour they make references to the Pushpaka which is a chariot which was given to Kubera and is taking away from him by Dashagriva and it is returned to Kubera after Rama uses it to travel back to Ayodhya. Rama makes Vibhishana, Ravana’s brother, the new king of Lanka.
Cover of the comic book: Blogspot

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