Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 14 Reading Diary:Subhadra: Beloved Sister of Krishna and Balarama.

This Thursday I will be doing my reading diary over the comic book Subhadra: Beloved Sister of Krishna and Balarama. As my previous reading diary I wanted to do my story over characters that I feel like really did not have a main focus in our assigned readings. So the story begins by giving background information on Subhadra. She is the sister to Balarama who is Duryodhana’s teacher. This actually gives me an idea of having Drona and Balarama fight since they both represent a person of knowledge. Arjuna is actually attracted to her hich happens to be one of Duryodhana’s worst enemies. He first sees her after being exiled for interrupting Draupadi’s and Yudhisthira’s private time. She actually choses him over Duryodhana giving him more reasons to hate Arjuna. Arjuna basically “kidnaps” her while on her way home. When the people find out of what Arjuna has done they initially plan to go after them but after talking to Krishna he tells them to bring them back but to congratulate them. I would also like to include the part of the story where she fears returning to Duryodhana’s hometown because she Is afraid that his other wife Draupadi might not like her. It turns out that Draupadi actually likes and accepts her. I would like to switch this up and have them hate each other and even have a fight scene!
Cover of Comic Book: Blogspot

Reading Diary Week 14:Abhimanyu: StarCrosses Prince

This week I will be doing my reading diary over Abhimanyu: StarCrosses Prince. I want to do my readings over characters that I am not use to reading about. I also enjoy comic books the most! Abhimanyu is the son of Arjuna! I would definitely like to bring him back in to one of my stories. Arjuna was exiled by his cousin but his son remained in town. He had made a promise to avenge what they had done to his father and his brothers. I would definitely enjoy having some rivalry between Arjuna’s son and Duryodhana’s son. Arjuna is also given Uttara who is the daughter of king Virata. He then gives her to his son and they marry. It would also be a cool idea to have a love issue between son and father. Abhimanyu also plays a major role in the fight against Drona. He is the only one who is able to combat against the formation of Drona’s army but he is unclear of hos to come out of it. He goes in but is cut off from his rmy and is about to be attacked by Drona and his army. Duryodhana’s son Lakshmana is actually killed by Abhumanyu. Drona is also impressed by his fighting capabilities. At the end he is not successful in his fight against Dushasana’s son and is killed by him. IN return his father and brother avenge his death!
Cover of comic:Blogspot

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Storytelling Week 13: Ganghari The Mother Who Lost It All

In the magical land of Oklahoma lived many god like deities. One day in the land of King Dhritarashtra there was immense anger in the household. The king has had it with his inability to produce children with his wife Ganghari.  They have attempted many times to conceive but never once were able to succeed. The king in pure anger started to verbally mistreat his wife. His wife was devastated feeling it was her fault. She prayed and prayed until one night she got a vision that she would conceive one hundred children. She told her husband the next day of her vision. They visited the nearest hospital and it was confirmed they were expecting one hundred children.
After a few years have gone by her husband began to lose his vision. The day came where he was no longer capable of seeing anything. He had gone completely blind. She lived with her husband sadness and decided to blind fold her eyes to share his pain. She had made a promise to the gods to share her husbands fate.
Years have passed and she has grown accustomed to her blindness. Until one day she walked into her room and she found out her husband was having an affair! She had not thought much of it and decided to let it go. The king and his lover Kunti had a child together named Bhama. She was pretty upset but continued to live with it. One night she had a dream that Bhama would kill her son. She knew how important her dreams were in reality. She feared that any day Bhama would kill her son. She told the king and Kunti about it but they thought she was foolish.
The next morning, they get the news that Bhama had killed her dearest son Duryodhana. Ganghari is extremely saddened by her luck. She is extremely devastated. She is extremely infuriated with the gods! Her husband comes in and he tries to console her but her anger sends a beam that shoots out of her eyes accidently hitting her husband right in the heart. She takes of her blind fold and sees what she has done. She drops on her knees and begins to cry. She has broken the heart of her husband. Kunti walks into the room and sees what has happened she also drops on her knees. They both begin to cry together and from the skys comes a beam of light that takes her to the heavens above. The gods have granted her the ability to live among them and to enjoy all the good things they can offer.
Ganghari and her Husband: Mahabharata
Author’s note
This story deals with the comic book story of Gandhari: AMother Blinded by Love. I decided to do my story about her because in the stories I have read about the Pandavas and the Kaurava she does not receive much attention. I feel like very little is focused upon her and all the she had to go through. IN this comic book she actually covers her eyes with a blindfold to share her husband’s misfortune. In the actual story the king does not actually have an affair. It seems like in many of the stories they just kind of accept it and not say much about it. I created an affair to draw attention to the fact that she isn’t the only one in the king’s life. She also foresees her sons death to on of the Pandava brothers. Gandhari and Kunti were actually good friends which I did not add any actually fighting between them to portray their serene relationship. Duryodhana is not her favorite son she actually realizes that her son is actually and evil being.

She is actually devastated by what has happened to her son Duryodhana that she does shoot fire from her eyes. The fire actually takes out Yudhisthira’s toes not the king.